Welcome to the second edition of “& more this week,” The Asheville Free Press’ bi-annual weekly newsletter!
I’m joking... but it is true that I’ve only published one of these newsletters so far, and it was the very first week this project existed back in August of 2021.
Realistically at that point, we didn’t have enough people subscribed even to bother writing it (read: zero), but in recent months that has changed! So consider this my attempt at making good on the promise we made on the Patreon page. I will try to do this weekly. Bear with me.
The idea, here, is something a little more casual for the Patreon subscribers. Not a patron? Sign up to access the rest of this post!
I will round up a few headlines that stood out to me over the week and give you some context and my thoughts on them. If you have feedback or see headlines you’d like me to add to that week’s newsletter, please feel free to email me directly: Editor@AshevilleFreePress.com.
Alright, with the intro stuff out of the way, let’s dive in.